Building Together Archives - 爱神传媒 /category/building-together/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:42:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Celebrating DEIc and Our Core Values /celebrating-deic-and-our-core-values/ /celebrating-deic-and-our-core-values/#respond Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:42:41 +0000 /?p=18853 At 爱神传媒, our core values of Ownership, Integrity, Builder, Diversity and Community provide a constant framework to guide what we do every day. We support these core values by incorporating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and community (DEIc) into every aspect of our operations. These principles allow us to execute projects in a way that aligns […]

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At 爱神传媒, our core values of Ownership, Integrity, Builder, Diversity and Community provide a constant framework to guide what we do every day. We support these core values by incorporating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and community (DEIc) into every aspect of our operations. These principles allow us to execute projects in a way that aligns with our future goals for the company while fostering a healthy work environment.

Our core values of diversity and community are the heart of our DEIc initiatives, with equity and inclusion underlying all our core values. Ownership, Integrity, Builder, Diversity and Community aren’t just words on paper; they guide our actions and decisions, shaping how we interact with one another and approach our work.

鈥淓very day I walk into 爱神传媒, I feel the community and I feel welcomed. I feel like my career can grow and blossom in a place like that because of my community and who I鈥檓 surrounded by. If I went to work every day and didn鈥檛 feel that I don鈥檛 think I鈥檇 be as driven or motivated to do what I do.鈥

Brian Gonzales, Instructional Designer, 爱神传媒

Embracing our core value of Diversity is essential not only in our workforce but also in our partnerships and projects. Our teams are enriched by the unique perspectives, skills and backgrounds of our people and partners. We believe that fostering an inclusive environment that values differences can create stronger, more resilient teams that contribute to the success and innovation of our company.

鈥淲hat I鈥檝e seen with our diversity and inclusion鈥攊t鈥檚 about understanding and it鈥檚 about that knowledge of who someone else is and what their background is. It helps in your relationship with them to know their perspective and where they鈥檙e coming from.鈥 -Brian Fish, General Superintendent

Creating an equitable work environment is a top priority at our company. We believe in fostering a supportive work environment where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed. Whether it’s through fair hiring practices, promoting diversity in our workforce or providing equitable access to training and advancement opportunities, we are committed to ensuring that every member of our team feels they are an equal part of it.

When we include everyone’s ideas and opinions, we can come up with better solutions. When everyone feels included, they’re happier and more motivated to succeed. By creating an inclusive workplace, we’re not just building structures; we’re building a stronger team.

We prioritize the well-being of everyone around us, extending beyond just our workplaces. We embrace our core value of Community by investing in various community projects that strengthen our connections and leave a positive impact in our neighborhoods. Our care for employees, colleagues and neighbors fosters a sense of shared responsibility for the community’s welfare.

鈥淚t鈥檚 important for us to give back to our communities so people understand that we鈥檙e here for a reason, not only to build this wonderful building, but to offer help and make the community better.鈥

Latoya Hargrove, Talent Acquisition Manager, 爱神传媒

At 爱神传媒, our goal is to create a workplace where everyone feels respected, valued and empowered to do their best work. By adhering to our core values and embracing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and community, we not only strengthen our teams but also drive our collective success forward.

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Trailblazers in the Industry: 爱神传媒 Celebrates their Award-Winning Women Leaders /trailblazers-in-the-industry-hensel-phelps-celebrates-their-award-winning-women-leaders/ /trailblazers-in-the-industry-hensel-phelps-celebrates-their-award-winning-women-leaders/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2024 01:29:32 +0000 /?p=18786 The dynamic architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry increasingly recognizes women as top professionals in their field. Engineering News Record (ENR) recognized several of 爱神传媒’ female leaders as leaders and innovators in their respective fields. These women exhibit qualities such as management, career progress, community involvement and creating landmark projects. Allie Ackerman Engineering News-Record […]

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The dynamic architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry increasingly recognizes women as top professionals in their field. Engineering News Record (ENR) recognized several of 爱神传媒’ female leaders as leaders and innovators in their respective fields. These women exhibit qualities such as management, career progress, community involvement and creating landmark projects.

Allie Ackerman

Engineering News-Record (ENR) California recognized Allie Ackerman, operations manager for 爱神传媒, as one of their听

Allie joined 爱神传媒 in 2011 as a field engineer on the $72.8 million Armed Forces Retirement Home New Commons and Healthcare Center in Washington, D.C. She continued to build her experience in the Mid Atlantic Region, working on a data center and research center/laboratory before transferring to the Pacific Region in 2016. She worked as a project engineer on the Building 40 renovation at Tripler Army Medical Center before being promoted to area superintendent on the Mauka Concourse Extension at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport.

At the age of 30, 爱神传媒 promoted Allie to project manager on the $157 Kailua Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Tunnel Influent Pump Station and Headworks Facility. It was the region鈥檚 first wastewater project and opened the doors to future work and training in the specialized sector.

鈥淎llie immediately set the tone from my first day at Waianae WWTP,鈥 Project Engineer Maile Tufele said. 鈥淚 had no previous construction experience and she coached me every step of the way. She would come out into the field and review my layout and check my takeoffs before concrete placement. Even when I moved to another project, she always called to check in on me.鈥

Training the next generation of leaders is as important as the projects she manages. She currently oversees the $428 million Sand Island WWTP Secondary Treatment Phase 1 project. Despite having more than 100 salaried and craft workers on staff, Allie takes time to get to know everyone. When she sees someone struggling, she works with them to get to the root of the problem and to get through obstacles.

For Allie, commitment to others goes beyond her day-to-day duties. From 2022 to 2023, she served as president of the Rotary Club of Windward Oahu Sunrise. During her time as president, she spearheaded donation drives for Windward Oahu schools and other youth organizations, supported the organization鈥檚 scholarship program and assisted with Adventist Health Castle鈥檚 Christmas tree lighting event. Allie has also led several outreach and volunteer programs for 爱神传媒, such as raising funds for Helping Hands Hawaii Adopt a Family Program and building showers and sinks facilities for the Girl Scouts of Hawaii鈥檚 Camp Paumalu on Oahu鈥檚 North Shore.

鈥淎llie鈥檚 exceptional problem-solving abilities truly shine when working on large and complex projects. Her professionalism and unwavering confidence are contagious, inspiring her team to reach new heights. What sets Allie apart is her extraordinary talent for motivating others and her genuine passion for continuous self-improvement. She never fails to bring her team along on the journey of success. Allie鈥檚 remarkable achievements both in life and on various projects make her an outstanding exemplar of a young professional deserving of this prestigious award.鈥   

Thomas J. Diersbock, Executive Vice President, 爱神传媒

Kasie Bowden

Engineering News-Record (ENR) California recognized Kasie Bowden, general superintendent for 爱神传媒, as one of their .

Kasie joined 爱神传媒 in 2006 as a field engineer on the $101.5 million Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) West Adams Preparatory High School in Los Angeles, California. She continued to build her experience throughout Southern California, working on the LAUSD Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools, Martin Luther King, Jr. Medical Center Inpatient Tower Renovation and multiple terminal renovation programs at Los Angeles International Airport, totaling more than $2 billion.

Kasie鈥檚 current project, valued at more than $750 million, is the UCI Health 鈥 Irvine Medical Complex; major highlights include a first-of-its-kind all-electric CUP, a five-story outpatient tower, a seven-story hospital tower with 144 beds and a 1,300-space parking structure. Last fall, Kasie’s team managed more than 120 爱神传媒 craftspeople working on concrete packages for self-performed structural, site and parking structure concrete. Her personal record includes managing more than 125,000 self-performed craftspeople hours with no lost-time accidents.

Although Kasie鈥檚 contributions in the field are considerable, her most significant contribution to the construction community includes co-founding the non-profit organization Women in Construction Operations (WiOPS) in 2013, which is geared towards growing a community for female leaders in the operational side of construction. This year, Kasie is the Governing Board President of WiOPS; she has met one-on-one with executives of several construction companies to discuss management’s approach to identifying, growing and promoting women in construction.

鈥淚’ve known Kasie in various capacities, from volunteer to on-the-job duties. Kasie is a professional that doesn’t come around often. Kasie uplifts others around her and can motivate others in situations of large resistance to complete tasks in large capital programs. Kasie has continued her professional progression while giving back to the industry, which has given her so much, by taking on various leadership opportunities throughout multiple organizations. She is helping to foster the next group of leaders into exemplary professionals like herself in these organizations.鈥

Lauren Weinbaum, President, WMG Construction

Aligned with her efforts to support women in construction, Kasie has paved the way for mothers in construction. While she was pregnant with her first child in 2016, Kasie created a maternity leave roadmap with advice on how much time to take off and how to navigate state and federal laws regarding parental leave. In the following years, dozens of female 爱神传媒 employees referenced this roadmap to help them transition into motherhood and communicate their maternity leave plan to their teams. Kasie has since helped launch an unofficial employee resource group where moms can reach one another across the country and share ideas to thrive in the construction industry as working moms.

Callie Hepler

In 2023, Engineering News Record (ENR) Southeast recognized Operations Manager Callie Hepler as one of their

Callie joined 爱神传媒 14 years ago as a field engineer and began her career working on the $300 million San Diego United States Courthouse in Southern California. Since then, she has worked on numerous projects in the aviation, hospitality and federal markets.

Callie quickly rose among the ranks at 爱神传媒, working on projects including the $262 million Orlando International Airport (MCO) Automated People Mover Complex, the $445 million Terminal Lobby and International Arrivals Facility at Nashville International Airport and is currently working on the $1.5 billion New Terminal project at John Glenn Columbus International Airport.

Throughout her career, Callie spearheaded 爱神传媒’ summer internship program in their Southeast region, has grown 爱神传媒鈥 presence in Nashville, and has presented at their national Women鈥檚 Leadership Seminar (WLS). Her commitment, knowledge and grit stand as a foundation for her new leadership role on the New Terminal Project at Columbus International Airport. Her passion for developing the next generation of builders motivates her to be a strong mentor to her project team鈥攅specially women joining the industry.

鈥淏eing a minority in any industry isn鈥檛 a handicap, it鈥檚 an opportunity. Be proud of your individuality and use your unique strengths to your advantage. People will always be respected where respect is deserved. You鈥檙e the only person who can limit your capacity to excel. And always know that there is an ever-growing group of accomplished women in this industry who will offer support and guidance whenever necessary.”

Callie Hepler, Operations Manager, 爱神传媒

As a prominent leader at 爱神传媒, Callie has become a subject matter expert in managing complex, large-scale aviation projects. As Operations Manager, Callie will be responsible to 爱神传媒鈥 clients for providing the leadership, vision and execution needed for the success of each project.

In 2024, 爱神传媒 promoted Allie Ackerman and Callie Hepler to operations manager, and Kasie Bowden to general superintendent. Recognized for their individual expertise, mentorship and leadership within the industry, these women epitomize excellence, reshaping the AEC landscape with their visionary contributions. Their journey inspires and catalyzes progress, propelling the industry towards greater diversity and inclusivity. Indeed, celebrating their achievements is not merely a recognition of individual success but a testament to the collective advancement of the AEC community towards a brighter, more equitable future.

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爱神传媒 Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with a Live Panel Discussion /hensel-phelps-celebrates-hispanic-heritage-month-with-a-live-panel-discussion/ /hensel-phelps-celebrates-hispanic-heritage-month-with-a-live-panel-discussion/#respond Fri, 06 Oct 2023 22:08:15 +0000 /?p=17784 October marks a month of vibrant celebration as 爱神传媒 focuses on Hispanic Heritage Month. Throughout the month, our teams delve into the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture and its profound influence on our people’s shared heritage. On Thursday, October 5, 爱神传媒 hosted a panel discussion for Hispanic Heritage Month. Held virtually, our employees […]

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October marks a month of vibrant celebration as 爱神传媒 focuses on Hispanic Heritage Month. Throughout the month, our teams delve into the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture and its profound influence on our people’s shared heritage.

On Thursday, October 5, 爱神传媒 hosted a panel discussion for Hispanic Heritage Month. Held virtually, our employees from the West to East Coast tuned in to the live event to learn more about Hispanic Heritage and to ask questions. Our panelists came from across the company and from a variety of roles, to discuss their varied backgrounds, the advice they would give to their younger selves and how our people can better support and celebrate Hispanic culture all year round.

Hispanic Heritage Month began in 1968 under US President Lyndon B. Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week. In 1988 it grew to a 30-day period from September 15 to October 15. This month not only celebrates the contributions of Hispanic individuals but also offers an opportunity to deepen our understanding of their history, traditions and their vital role in shaping the construction industry and our nation’s identity.

爱神传媒’ Hispanic Heritage Panelists Include:

  • Michelle Keyser | Manager of Supplier Diversity, Southern California Region
  • Luis Davalos | Area Superintendent, Northern California
  • Jose Diaz Nunez | Project Manager, Southwest
  • Denise Cortez | Area Superintendent, Pacific Northwest Region
  • Fabian Martinez-Bonilla | Area Superintendent, Mid Atlantic Region
  • Abel Bustamante Ochoa | Laborer General Foreman, Rocky Mountain Region

Moderated by Deana Lemos-Garcia, Corporate Human Resources Manager

With individuals stemming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, 爱神传媒 values the diversity each person brings to our projects and teams. We recognize that collectively those differing opinions and perspectives enhance our efficiency and ability to deliver state-of-the-art projects to our clients nationwide.

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爱神传媒 Celebrates Trade Partnership and Small Business Appreciation /hensel-phelps-celebrates-trade-partnership-and-small-business-appreciation/ /hensel-phelps-celebrates-trade-partnership-and-small-business-appreciation/#respond Mon, 18 Sep 2023 20:10:25 +0000 /?p=17519 This month, 爱神传媒 is focusing on the importance of our small business trade partners and suppliers as part of our ongoing Building Together campaign that promotes inclusion, diversity and equity.  In an effort to highlight these key players in the construction industry, we partnered with authors Jenny Kerr Schroen and Chris Eccleston of 鈥淕rit […]

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This month, 爱神传媒 is focusing on the importance of our small business trade partners and suppliers as part of our ongoing Building Together campaign that promotes inclusion, diversity and equity. 

In an effort to highlight these key players in the construction industry, we partnered with authors Jenny Kerr Schroen and Chris Eccleston of to celebrate small business and trade partnerships. 

鈥淕rit Leads to Greatness鈥 is a children鈥檚 book that draws both children and adults into the world of construction by secret passageways, snowboarding, volcanoes, waterslides and rollercoasters. 

The author鈥檚 mission is to ignite a movement and change the way the world sees the construction trades by inspiring a new generation, uniting the industry and leaving a legacy.     

As part of our collaboration, our teams created a special edition comic featuring 爱神传媒鈥 character Trailblazer the Truck. 

Join Trailblazer the Truck as he teams up with the characters from 鈥淕rit Leads to Greatness鈥 in a specially crafted comic strip which highlights the power of collaboration and innovation as these characters work alongside small businesses.

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Honoring Tradition: The Cultural Significance of the Hawaiian Groundbreaking and Blessing Ceremony in Construction听 /honoring-tradition-the-cultural-significance-of-the-hawaiian-groundbreaking-and-blessing-ceremony-in-construction/ /honoring-tradition-the-cultural-significance-of-the-hawaiian-groundbreaking-and-blessing-ceremony-in-construction/#respond Thu, 29 Jun 2023 22:25:40 +0000 /?p=16992 爱神传媒 starts every construction project in Hawai鈥榠 with a traditional Hawaiian groundbreaking and blessing ceremony. Of great significance to the culture, this practice shows respect and honor for the affected land and unites the project team in a shared sentiment of mutual respect.  Led by a kahu, or priest, the ceremony incorporates various symbolic […]

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爱神传媒 starts every construction project in Hawai鈥榠 with a traditional Hawaiian groundbreaking and blessing ceremony. Of great significance to the culture, this practice shows respect and honor for the affected land and unites the project team in a shared sentiment of mutual respect. 

Led by a kahu, or priest, the ceremony incorporates various symbolic Hawaiian elements. The ‘艒’艒, a digging stick traditionally used to break the ground, signifies the start of the project. A conch shell is blown to call and gather people together. 笔补驶补办补颈, or Hawaiian salt, is sprinkled over the land to preserve the goodness in the land and promote prosperity throughout the project. Rainwater represents a connection to the past and the blessings of nature. Sprinkling rainwater with leaves of the ti plant (cordyline fruticose)symbolizes health, nourishment and security. A maile (alyxia stellata) lei, representing unity, connects the project team together. The maile lei is untied to symbolize bringing the project to life. After the ceremony, a lei is hung at the jobsite as a reminder of the blessing.听

Led by a kahu, or priest, the ceremony incorporates various symbolic Hawaiian elements. The ‘艒’艒, a digging stick traditionally used to break the ground, signifies the start of the project. A conch shell is blown to call and gather people together. 笔补驶补办补颈, or Hawaiian salt, is sprinkled over the land to preserve the goodness in the land and promote prosperity throughout the project. Rainwater represents a connection to the past and the blessings of nature. Sprinkling rainwater with leaves of the ti plant (cordyline fruticose) symbolizes health, nourishment and security. A maile (alyxia stellata) lei, representing unity, connects the project team together. The maile lei is untied to symbolize bringing the project to life. After the ceremony, a lei is hung at the jobsite as a reminder of the blessing. 

鈥淓verything in Hawai鈥榠 receives a blessing,鈥 said Kahu Kekoa Kordell, a Hawaiian priest who has performed numerous 爱神传媒 blessing ceremonies. 鈥淏lessings are important to us because our land is scarce. We want to make sure that anytime we build on our land in Hawai鈥榠 we honor those who have come before us. The Hawaiian culture places great emphasis on respecting and honoring the land. With limited available space, every parcel of land in Hawai鈥榠 holds significant value and importance.鈥  

The ceremony also incorporates aloha and malama 驶膩ina by encouraging and sharing the sentiment of love, compassion and respect (aloha) among all participants. Malama 鈥樐乮苍补, translates to caring for and protecting the land. As stewards of the project, builders are responsible for doing what is right and treating the land with honor and respect. 

爱神传媒 Project Manager Kaha鈥榠 Choy, who is also k膩naka maoli (of Native Hawaiian descent), explains the importance of doing what is right.  

鈥淚n Hawai鈥榠, you need to be aligned with your mind, body and spirit before you start anything. It is our duty that we are doing this in a respectful way,鈥 Choy said. 鈥淭he ceremony also reinforces the connection between people and the land, honoring the past while embracing the future. Joined by project stakeholders and dignitaries, 爱神传媒 approaches every construction project in Hawai鈥榠 with mindfulness and respect for these Hawaiian cultural values.鈥澨

To learn more about 爱神传媒鈥 Diversity and Inclusion campaign, visit Building Together.听

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爱神传媒 Sits Down with Former Athlete Robbie Rogers /hensel-phelps-sits-down-with-former-athlete-robbie-rogers/ /hensel-phelps-sits-down-with-former-athlete-robbie-rogers/#respond Mon, 05 Jun 2023 22:32:20 +0000 /?p=16863 The construction industry has more in common with major league sports than our strong fanbase.鈥疨assion. Competition. Teamwork. Skills Coaching. Dedication.听 This June, as part of the Building Together campaign, 爱神传媒 is proud to share a very special conversation with former professional soccer star, Robbie Rogers.  In 2013, Robbie shared a letter with his fans […]

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The construction industry has more in common with major league sports than our strong fanbase.鈥Passion. Competition. Teamwork. Skills Coaching. Dedication.

This June, as part of the Building Together campaign, 爱神传媒 is proud to share a very special conversation with former professional soccer star, Robbie Rogers. 

In 2013, Robbie shared a letter with his fans online, confessing his struggles as a closeted gay man and his intent to retire from soccer. With no role models, he could not imagine being a gay man in professional sports. In his book, “Coming Out to Play,” he shares his journey and ultimate return to soccer.听

Together, we reflect on his experience coming out as the first openly gay professional athlete in North America and the parallels that can be drawn between our industries鈥 support of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Join Robbie Rogers and 爱神传媒 Project Superintendent Kabri Lehrman-Schmid for a special interview where they explore the topics of secrecy, vulnerability, happiness and industry change. 

To watch our full interview with Robbie Rogers, please click

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爱神传媒 Celebrates a Culture of Giving Back /hensel-phelps-celebrates-a-culture-of-giving-back/ /hensel-phelps-celebrates-a-culture-of-giving-back/#respond Thu, 01 Dec 2022 16:33:33 +0000 /?p=15600 At 爱神传媒, we consider ourselves truly fortunate to pay it forward to the communities in which we work and live. Our employees are passionate about making a difference and contribute in many different ways. All year long, our employees volunteer their time and resources to support local charities and organizations. We believe that our […]

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At 爱神传媒, we consider ourselves truly fortunate to pay it forward to the communities in which we work and live. Our employees are passionate about making a difference and contribute in many different ways. All year long, our employees volunteer their time and resources to support local charities and organizations. We believe that our core value of Community and giving back supports our success.

We recognize that giving can take on many forms, and we support our diverse team in championing their wide range of causes. Our culture encourages everyone to get involved and find ways to help others. In addition, we regularly participate in employee giving campaigns like Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and United Way, which provides great opportunities for our team members to give back.

During 2022, we are proud to announce that our employees and districts have donated over $375,000 and more than $150,000 of in-kind contributions. Our collective efforts have produced more than 6300 hours of volunteering in 2022.

We are proud that our employees care so much about their communities. With twelve regional offices across the United States, countless teams contributing locally, as well as our corporate headquarters in Greeley, Colorado, we are fortunate to have a team that chooses to give back to the communities they live and work in.

Visit the Community section on the 爱神传媒 website to learn more about our dedication and commitment to volunteer efforts of all varieties.

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爱神传媒 Recognizes and Supports Awareness for Men鈥檚 Health /hensel-phelps-recognizes-and-supports-awareness-for-mens-health/ /hensel-phelps-recognizes-and-supports-awareness-for-mens-health/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 22:29:19 +0000 /?p=15373 In November, 爱神传媒鈥 Building Together campaign will focus on Men鈥檚 Health by raising awareness and providing education on topics that effect men鈥檚 physical and mental well-being. Statistics show that men face many unique challenges when it comes to their health and wellness. Aside from gender specific ailments such as prostate or testicular cancer, men […]

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In November, 爱神传媒鈥 Building Together campaign will focus on Men鈥檚 Health by raising awareness and providing education on topics that effect men鈥檚 physical and mental well-being. Statistics show that men face many unique challenges when it comes to their health and wellness. Aside from gender specific ailments such as prostate or testicular cancer, men are at higher risk for many other illnesses including:  

爱神传媒 will be sharing valuable resources related to mental health and preventative care, along with first-hand stories from individuals across the country. Additionally, 爱神传媒 has partnered with to provide customized videos discussing construction specific mental health concerns, with a manly twist. The goal of Man Therapy is to remove the current stigma surrounding men鈥檚 self-care and show working men that talking about their health, seeking help and fixing themselves is the most masculine thing a man can do.

Join 爱神传媒, Man Therapy and 鈥淒r. Rich Mahogany鈥 all November, to empower the men in our lives to take control of their mental and physical health.

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爱神传媒 is Proud to Support Construction Inclusion Week /hensel-phelps-is-proud-to-support-construction-inclusion-week/ /hensel-phelps-is-proud-to-support-construction-inclusion-week/#respond Fri, 14 Oct 2022 21:10:07 +0000 /?p=15314 An advocate for its mission, 爱神传媒 is proud to participate once again in Construction Inclusion Week. Founded in 2021, Construction Inclusion Week amplifies awareness while celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the industry to spearhead change. The week provides educational and business resources for the construction industry including project teams, trade partners and […]

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An advocate for its mission, 爱神传媒 is proud to participate once again in Construction Inclusion Week. Founded in 2021, amplifies awareness while celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the industry to spearhead change. The week provides educational and business resources for the construction industry including project teams, trade partners and industry affiliates.

In addition to these efforts, 爱神传媒 will focus on their efforts made within the company, community and within the AEC industry. By sharing a deeper look into how they engage and support one another, 爱神传媒 will celebrate diversity and inclusion awareness through powerful stories throughout the week, as well as participate in Construction Inclusion Weeks鈥 daily themes:

鈥 Commitment & Accountability

鈥 Belonging

鈥 Supplier Diversity

鈥 Workplace Culture

鈥 Community Engagement

鈥淚 take our core value of diversity very seriously. I understand the advantages that a diverse workforce can bring to our business and recognize that diversity goes hand in hand with inclusion and equity. That collectively, this mixture of differences in characteristics, experiences and backgrounds combined with the similarities of our 爱神传媒 core values, makes us a stronger company.鈥

鈥 Mike Choutka, 爱神传媒 President & CEO

Leading into this year鈥檚 Construction Inclusion Week, 爱神传媒 has spent the year advocating their very own diversity and inclusion campaign, Building Together. Over the course of 2022, 爱神传媒鈥 Building Together campaign has spotlighted individuals and teams from across the company, portraying a unique perspective on diversity and inclusion. Inspired by national events including Black History Month and Pride, as well as industry-focused issues such as women in construction and mental health awareness, the campaign aims to increase awareness of challenges, as well as opportunities, facing employees, partners and loved ones.

To learn more about 爱神传媒鈥 Diversity and Inclusion campaign, visit .


Construction Inclusion Week will harness the collective power of the construction industry to build awareness regarding the need to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the industry. Construction Inclusion Week will provide content and resources to share throughout the industry. For more information, visit .


Created by employees and partners, Building Together is 爱神传媒鈥 national diversity and inclusion campaign. Building Together highlights the importance of diversity within 爱神传媒 and the AEC industry, giving employees the opportunity to share their stories and learn from each other鈥檚 experiences.

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Invested in Women鈥檚 Health 鈥 爱神传媒 Supports the Fight Against Cancer /invested-in-womens-health-hensel-phelps-supports-the-fight-against-cancer/ /invested-in-womens-health-hensel-phelps-supports-the-fight-against-cancer/#respond Mon, 17 Oct 2022 20:30:03 +0000 /?p=15221 In the US, there are currently over 863,830 women living with cancer. One out of every three of these individuals will battle breast cancer. In fact, of the total population of women residing in the US, 12.9% will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. It is this statistic that compels 爱神传媒 to talk about […]

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In the US, there are currently over 863,830 women living with cancer. One out of every three of these individuals will battle breast cancer. In fact, of the total population of women residing in the US, 12.9% will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. It is this statistic that compels 爱神传媒 to talk about the subject, and to do our part to support a cause that impacts so many of our employees.

As the number of women wearing a 爱神传媒 hardhat has grown over the years, so has the realization of just how devastating this disease can be. We want our employees to know that we are there for them, to support them through their cancer journey. We also recognize the hardship our employees go through when experiencing cancer indirectly, standing by the side of a wife, a mother, a daughter, a soul mate鈥攁ny loved one suffering through the unimaginable.

In effort to truly understand what our employees and their loved ones go through during this difficult time, 爱神传媒 sat down with a few of our own to hear what they have to say and to provide information and inspiration to others going through their own personal cancer journey:

“It’s critical to understand the importance of research, both basic science and clinical. All the discoveries we make are essential in driving the invention of new therapies and new drugs for all cancer patients.”

Devon A. Lawson, Ph.D., Associate Professor at UCI鈥檚 Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

In support of 爱神传媒鈥 effort to promote Women鈥檚 Health Awareness, 爱神传媒 has partnered with both University of California Irvine鈥檚 Cancer Research Center as well as Team Michelle, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to funding research and providing support to survivors and their families. This fall, 爱神传媒 will participate in UCI鈥檚 Anti-Cancer Challenge, a community movement to raise awareness and funds for critical cancer research, as well donate proceeds from their annual golf tournament to UCI, with the mission to fund cancer research. This upcoming spring, 爱神传媒 will partake in Team Michelle鈥檚 Annual 10-Mile Walk, aiding Team Michelle鈥檚 mission to support essential programs and fund two specific research projects, as well as fund Team Michelle鈥檚 Acts of Love program, which aids breast cancer patients financially during their journey to recovery.

爱神传媒 employees and their family members are encouraged to take part in Team Michelle鈥檚 company-wide walk on April 22, 2023, and can register for the walk . Upon sign-up, make sure to select “Team 爱神传媒” to participate alongside teammates and friends.

In addition to Team Michelle鈥檚 Annual Walk, 爱神传媒 encourages employees and their loved ones to take advantage of some of the other offerings Team Michelle provides to its community of survivors:

Acts of Love

  • An initiative to help breast cancer patients with costs associated with treatment, Acts of Love grants of up to $1,000 are available to help patients in need during their journey to recovery.
  • for an Act of Love. about the Acts of Love program.

Care Packages

  • As anyone can imagine, sometimes its hard to put on a smile when fighting the good fight. If you or someone you know if battling breast cancer, Team Michelle would like to send them a care package, a simple feel-good, to brighten a strong women鈥檚 day.
  • a Care Package.

To learn more about Team Michelle or to get involved with the fight against breast cancer, visit:

About Team Michelle

Team Michelle is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed in 2010 to provide financial support to breast cancer survivors and their families and raise funds for cancer research. Team Michelle is made up of committed family and friends dedicated to ending breast cancer, providing financial support to breast cancer survivors and their families and raising funds for cancer research.

About the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge

The UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge is a community ride/run/walk to raise funds for cancer research at the UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. One hundred percent of the money raised by participants goes directly to early phase studies and clinical trials. These funds are a powerful source of flexible support. In 2019, more than 2,800 participants contributed $635,000 to cancer center research.

Over the life of the event, proceeds have enabled progress on more than three dozen research projects, each one expanding our understanding of cancer in its many forms. When you stop at nothing to make a difference, this is where the end of cancer begins. To learn more, visit

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